High School Musical: Das Musical: Holiday Special Soundtrack
Hier sind die Lyrics zu The Perfect Gift aus High School Musical: Das Musical: Holiday Special.
The Perfect Gift

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We didn’t need no mistletoe
To know what loving is
Through every up-and-down
There’s one thing that stays true
Christmas is better every second it’s with you
I don’t got much to give
So I hope you think this is
To the perfect gift, that ever lived
Yeah, this song
The second best that I could do
When the perfеct gift is you, you, ou
When the perfеct gift is you, you, ou
That this has been the perfect year
You held my hand through every tear
You were a home for me
When I had no one there
I promise you that I’m not going anywhere
So I hope you think this is
To the perfect gift, that ever lived
Yeah, this song
The second best that I could do
When the perfect gift is you, you, ou
When the perfect gift is you, you, ou
And I’ve lost my way
It’ll be okay with you by my side
And darlin‘ that’s why
When the perfect gift is you, you, ou
When the perfect gift is you, you, ou
When the perfect gift is you, you, ou
When the perfect gift is you
Gesungen von: Joshua Bassett (Richard „Ricky“ Bowen)
Geschrieben und komponiert von: Josh Cumbee
Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People

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Kristoff | Sven (sung by Kristoff)
Reindeers are better than people
Why is love so hard?
You feel what you feel
And those feelings are real
Come on Kristoff
Let down your guard
Die deutsche Version singen: Leonhard Mahlich (Kristoff & Sven)
Die englische Version singen: Jonathan Groff (Kristoff & Sven)
Geschrieben und komponiert von: Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
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© The Walt Disney Company Germany
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