Die Eiskönigin 2 Soundtrack
Hier sind für euch die englischen Lyrics zu Some Things Never Change aus dem Disney Klassiker Die Eiskönigin 2.
- Action & Abenteuer, Animation, Familie, Fantasy, Musical
- >> Die Schwestern sind etwas älter geworden, Anna und Kristoff sind schwer verliebt, Olaf und Sven mittlerweile beste Freunde. Das Leben in Arendelle geht seinen Gang. Doch ein Gedanke lässt Elsa einfach nicht los: Wieso hat nur sie diese magischen Kräfte? Sie muss einfach herausfinden, was ihre wahre Bestimmung ist. Ehrensache, dass Anna und der Rest der Truppe sie auf diesem Weg begleiten. Was sie allerdings entdecken, geht weit über jede Vorstellung hinaus! Wenn Elsa bisher glaubte, ihre Kräfte seien zu stark, muss sie nun hoffen, dass sie ausreichen... << ~ The Walt Disney Company Germany
- Deutscher Kinostart: 20. November 2019
- Deutscher Disney+ Start: 10. Juli 2020
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Some Things Never Change

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Mehr erfahren
Anna | Olaf | Kristoff | Sven (sung by Kristoff) | Elsa | All
Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder
And we’re all getting older
And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer
And my leaf’s a little sadder and wiser
That’s why I rely on certain certainties
Yes, some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in mine
Some things stay the same
Like how we get along just fine
Like an old stone wall that’ll never fall
Some things are always true
Some things never change
Like how I’m holding on tight to you
The leaves are already falling
Sven, it feels like the future is calling
Are you telling me tonight you’re gonna get down on one knee?
Yeah, but I’m really bad at planning these things out
Like candlelight and pulling of rings out
Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me
Yeah, some things never change
Like the love that I feel for her
Some things stay the same
Like how reindeers are easier
But if I commit and I go for it
I’ll know what to say and do
Some things never change
Sven, the pressure is all on you
The winds are restless
Could that be why I’m hearing this call?
Is something coming?
I’m not sure I want things to change at all
These days are precious
Can’t let them slip away
I can’t freeze this moment
But I can still go out and seize this day
The wind blows a little bit colder
And you all look a little bit older
It’s time to count our blessings
Beneath an autumn sky
We’re always living in kingdom aplenty
That stands for the good and the many
And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly
Our flag will always fly
Our flag will always fly, Our flag will always fly
Some things never change
Turn around and the time has flown
Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown
May our good luck last
May our past be past
Time’s moving fast, it’s true
Some things never change
And I’m holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
Holding on tight to you
I’m holding on tight to you
written by/geschrieben und komponiert von: Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez
Interpreters/Interpreten: Idina Memzel, Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff
© 2019 Disney Enterprises, Inc.
© 2019 Walt Disney Records
Bildrechte und Informationen:
© The Walt Disney Company Germany
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